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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Information pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

Dynamo the Good Company S.r.l. Benefit Company (the “Owner” or “Pro Dynamo”) respects and protects your privacy and undertakes to use your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations. 


When you access our web pages or contact us, you agree that Pro Dynamo may collect some of your personal data. 

These pages are intended to tell you what data we collect, why and how we use it. 

We process two types of data: 


B. DATA WE COLLECT AUTOMATICALLY (see cookies policy) 


If you are a private individual, we can process the personal information you give us when:

– you contact us by writing to us through the web pages of our website, by e-mail or by telephone;

– you register at one of the pages on our site;

– access your registered area on our site;

– fill in one of our contact or registration forms;

– participate in a Pro Dynamo event where your image may be captured, we may ask you for all or some of the following common information

– first and last name;

– date of birth;

– social security number;

– address;

– telephone number;

– e-mail address;

– create your own account.

Third party data – Data received from third parties

If for any reason you provide personal data of third parties, such as your family members or friends, please ensure that they have been adequately informed and have consented to the processing of their data by us in the manner described in this policy.

For data received from third parties, in accordance with the applicable legislation, we will contact the data subjects using the contact tool provided in order to provide them with this privacy policy and obtain their consent to the processing of their personal data for the specific purposes.

Data of minors under 16 years of age

If you are under 16 years of age you cannot provide us with any personal data or register on any page of our website. We accept no liability for any false statements you provide to us or for any breach of this prohibition of registration. If we become aware of any untrue statements or registrations by anyone under 16 years of age, we will immediately delete any personal data we have acquired.

Data of minors under 16 years of age can be provided only by the persons exercising parental responsibility over them, under their sole responsibility, according to and in accordance with the written procedures established and applicable from time to time, and only for specific purposes such as, by way of example, the possible participation of the minor in events organized by Dynamo The Good Company.


The simple navigation on the site does not involve the processing of personal data. 

However, this website and all the websites of Dynamo the Good Company S.r.l. Società Benefit use technical, profiling and third party cookies to improve your browsing experience, track traffic statistics in anonymous and aggregate form (Google Analytics), collect information, subject to consent, about your tastes, habits, choices so that you can receive information and communication messages only in line with your interests. 

Cookies are text strings that websites record on the memory of your navigation device (computer, smartphone, tablet) when you visit a page. They can serve several purposes, including improving your website experience, saving your preferences, profiling your tastes so that you can only receive promotional messages in line with your interests. 

We use the following cookies on this site: 

– technical (or session) cookies: designed to allow you to navigate through the pages of the site quickly and easily;

– analytics cookies: used to collect aggregate information and to compile general statistics on the number of users and how they visit the site in its various functions. The information collected in this way has no personal value as the data is collected and analyzed anonymously. We specifically use Google Analytics cookies in this way;

– profiling cookies: used to track the user’s navigation on the website and to collect information about their preferences, tastes, choices for retargeting on Facebook and within the Google circuit. Through these cookies, the user can be shown advertising messages consistent with the interests he or she has shown in online navigation. This processing is carried out only with the prior consent of the interested party;

– third party” cookies: these are cookies set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting. Within this website you will find the sharing buttons on social networks (Facebook, Twitter), and in some cases the embed of content from YouTube. All these platforms use their own cookies to recognise you, obviously Pro Dynamo has no agreement with any of them and does not control the storage or access to third party cookies.

For more information, you can read their privacy policy:




You can always disable all cookies or choose specific sites from which to accept them. Each browser follows different procedures:

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

You can learn more about the regulations governing this matter on the Guarantor’s website and find more information about cookies at and

We will never use cookies to annoy you, but only to optimize your experience on this site and to show you content that is in line with your interests. 

Cookies used on the site:

COOKIE NAME: wordpress_test_cookie – OWNER: WordPress -DESCRIPTION: This cookie is used by WordPress to test how cookies work in your browser – DURATION: Session

COOKIE NAME:_ga – OWNER: Google Analytics – DESCRIPTION: This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning them a randomly generated number as a customer identifier. It is included in every page request of the site and is used to calculate data on the number of visitors, session and campaigns used for site analysis reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years although this option is customizable by the website owner. DURATION: 2 years after visiting the page.

COOKIE NAME: GAPS – OWNER: Google Maps – DESCRIPTION: These cookies are used by Google Maps to store your preferences and information when you want to locate locations or stores on maps automatically generated by Google and integrated into the website. They are used only on pages where Google maps are shown. To learn more about the content of the cookie processing, please visit the Google website.

COOKIE NAME: NID – OWNER: Google Maps – DESCRIPTION: Cookies are cookies used by Google Maps to store user preferences when viewing maps (PREF) and to keep track of visitor behavior (the other cookies). 


We may process your personal data for:

A. administrative and accounting reasons;

B. allow you to register and access the reserved area or participate in initiatives organized by Dynamo the Good Company S.r.l. Benefit Company

C. allow you to purchase our products online;

D. respond to your various and different requests for information;

E. keep you informed and updated about our products and activities;

F. promote and share the mission of Dynamo the Good Company S.r.l. Company Benefit.

The processing of personal data for registration or access to the reserved area is carried out at the time when the relevant application for registration or access is submitted. Failure to communicate the requested data does not allow the successful outcome of the registration or participation.

The processing of personal data for the other purposes specified above is optional, is carried out to manage the relationship with the interested party and is normally based on the express consent of the interested party. 

The processing of your images obtained, as the case may be, with your consent or because they are performed in the wider context of an event organized by Pro Dynamo in which you have participated may also take place with publication in the media (including, website or social). 

of the visitor (the other cookies). 


The conferment of data is compulsory exclusively for:

– the registration and access of the interested party to the reserved area;

– the purchase of our products.

Any refusal to process personal data indicated as compulsory does not allow the Owner to manage the relationship with the interested party.

The provision of data is optional in all other cases. The possible refusal has no negative consequences on the possibility to contact us and receive immediately – on the initiative of the interested party – the information requested, but it will not allow us to contact you to respond to any information or provide you with material and thanks. 


A. Data controller

The data controller is Dynamo the Good Company S.r.l. Società Benefit, in personal of its legal representative pro tempore, with registered office in via Ximenes 716, 51028 San Marcelllo Piteglio (PT), Tax Code and VAT number 09014570965.

The Data Controller makes use of data processors to achieve the purposes specified in point 1.

B. Persons who may process or to whom personal data may be communicated

The data processed for the purposes referred to in point 1 above may be shared, depending on the purpose, with:

– the administrative and accounting office of the Owner, with access to persons in charge and authorized to process personal data within the scope of their duties; – entities that perform functions strictly related and instrumental to the operation – also technical – of the site of the Owner, who have been appointed as data processors; 

– bodies and administrative and judicial authorities by virtue of legal obligations; – in the sole case of the processing of images, subjects who manage communications in the media. 

No communications are made to subjects or entities outside the Italian territory.

Your data may be processed by data processors specifically appointed in writing by the Data Controller in accordance with applicable legislation.

Under no circumstances do we transfer and sell personal data to third parties.


A. Exercising your rights

You can at any time:

– obtain information from the owner about the existence of their personal data, the origin of the same, the purposes and methods of treatment;

– obtain from the data controller the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, limitation of data processing in the event that one of the conditions provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR is met, the transformation into anonymous form or blocking of personal data, including those for which storage is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected and/or subsequently processed;

– oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of data even if pertinent to the purpose of collection and processing of personal data for the purposes of information on the activities and events of the owner or sending information material; – revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

We remind you that for any question or request relating to your personal data and respect for your privacy you can contact the Owner at the e-mail address 

B. Access to personal data from your reserved area 

In the areas and on the pages for which it is provided, as long as your account is active you can at any time view your personal data in your private area and modify it. Remember that you can cancel your account at any time, as well as revoke the consent you have given to the processing of your personal data. The deletion of your account does not automatically result in the cessation of the processing of your personal data.

C. Revocation of consent

To request the deletion of your personal data and to revoke your consent to the processing of the same you can send a request to or contact us by phone.

The cancellation will be carried out within the technical timescale foreseen and in accordance with the storage period explained in point 6 below.

The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.


Your personal data will be stored in paper and/or electronic/informatics form for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in point 1 above.

In particular:

A. data processed to respond to your various and different requests for information: the data communicated will be processed only if you have consented to the processing and until you revoke your consent or – in any case – for no more than 5 years from the last contact with the Data Controller;

B. communication of data during the purchase of our products: the processing is terminated following revocation of consent or – in any case – after 5 years from the date of the last active relationship with the Owner;

C. registration on the site: the cessation of data processing occurs following revocation of consent or – in any case – after 5 years from the date of the last active relationship with the Owner;

D. keep you informed and updated on our activities and initiatives and make you participate in our projects: the data communicated are processed only if you have consented to the processing and until you revoke your consent or – in any case – no later than 5 years after the last contact with the Owner.

At any time, you may request the cessation of the processing of your data or request the cancellation, modification or updating of all personal information in our possession, by sending an e-mail to: or by contacting us by phone.


The data is collected from the subjects indicated in point 3 according to the indications of the reference legislation, with particular regard to the security measures provided by GDPR for processing by means of information, manual and automated tools and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated in point 1 and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.


This policy may be subject to changes. If substantial changes are made to the use of data relating to the person concerned by the owner, the latter will notify the person concerned by publishing them with the utmost evidence on its pages or through alternative or similar means

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