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Askook, the classic moccasin by Sebago®, dresses up in a limited edition for Dynamo The Good Company.

Two different worlds, one common vision: the great outdoors as a means of self-care and exploration to rediscover one’s potential and connect with the world.

Askook for Dynamo The Good Company is a model crafted from the classic design preserved in Sebago®’s historical archives, designed to be worn in outdoor life at the Camp. It is expertly hand-sewn and constructed from hot-stuffed tanned leather treated with a rich combination of oils and waxes, imbuing it with a natural quality of clarity and smoothness. It features a leather insole and rubber soles with a non-slip texture for stable grip, with ornamental leather detailing. The traditional jacquard label transforms into DYNAMO, a discreet and sophisticated customization that perfectly complements Dynamo The Good Company’s understated and elegant style.

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